A Tribute to Our Elder Brother Hyo Jin Nim
Son of Loyalty and Filial Piety

Section seven:  Since Hyo Jin Nim's Ascension

Introduction   Ascension   Early Life   Music and Media   Ministry   Family   2006-2008   Since His Ascension



Since Hyo Jin Nim's Ascension

Table of Contents


1.  Hyo Jin Nim is spiritually observed prior to and during the helicopter crash of July 19, 2008

From the report of Hyo-yul Peter Kim

From the
report of Hyung Jin Nim

2.  The 26th Day of Victory of Love, the first since Hyo Jin Nim's ascension

3.  True Parents' Birthday, True Father's 90th, January 31, 2009 solar

4.  Hyung Jin Nim appeals in prayer to his brothers in the Spiritual World

5.  From Hyo Jin Nim's message January 14, 2008:  "Keeping Yourself Motivated"

6.  Communication from Hyo Jin Nim Since His Ascension

7.  From True Father's
prayer on April 18, 2008

8.  From True Father's words on October 12, 2008

9.  "How Lovely Are Thy Tabernacles"


Hyo Jin Nim's wife and children offer flowers to Hyo Jin Nim at the One Year Memorial
at his Won Jeon March 17, 2009, from this FFWPU Korea group

View Since Hyo Jin Nim's Ascension




Introduction   Ascension   Early Life   Music and Media   Ministry   Family   2006-2008   Since His Ascension